Did you know that, e.g., video streaming via smart phone and video calls via laptop are, just like all up- and downloads, actually a fairly C02 intensive activities? Here, you find out more!
Total run time 09:42 minutes
Speaker: Kerstin Fischer
Email: greenalsion@alsion.dk
Studies mentioned in the podcast:
A. Andrae, T. Edler, On global electricity usage of communication technology: trends to 2030, Challenges 6 (2015) 117.
Janine Morley, Kelly Widdicks, and Mike Hazas. Digitalisation, energy and data demand: The impact of internet traffic on overall and peak electricity consumption. Energy Research & Social Science, 38:128 – 137, 2018.
Chris Preist, Daniel Schien, and Paul Shabajee. Evaluating sustainable interaction design of digital services: The case of YouTube. In Proceedings of the 2019 CHI Conference on Human Factors in Computing Systems, CHI ’19, pages 397:1–397:12, New York, NY, USA, 2019. ACM.
Kelly Widdicks (2019): Understanding and Mitigating the Impact of Internet Demand in Everyday Life. PhD Dissertation, Lancaster University.
Intro text is spoken by Christian Sollberger, https://www.speech-academy.com/
Intro music created by sscheidl from Pixabay
Outro music: Nature Documentary - GEMAfreie Musik von https://audiohub.de
Comment to this podcast:
E-Mail: greenalsion@alsion.dk
Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/greenalsion
Did you know that, e.g., video streaming via smart phone and video calls via laptop are, just like all up- and downloads, actually a fairly C02 intensive activities? Here, you find out more!
Total run time 09:42 minutes
Speaker: Kerstin Fischer
Email: greenalsion@alsion.dk
Studies mentioned in the podcast:
A. Andrae, T. Edler, On global electricity usage of communication technology: trends to 2030, Challenges 6 (2015) 117.
Janine Morley, Kelly Widdicks, and Mike Hazas. Digitalisation, energy and data demand: The impact of internet traffic on overall and peak electricity consumption. Energy Research & Social Science, 38:128 – 137, 2018.
Chris Preist, Daniel Schien, and Paul Shabajee. Evaluating sustainable interaction design of digital services: The case of YouTube. In Proceedings of the 2019 CHI Conference on Human Factors in Computing Systems, CHI ’19, pages 397:1–397:12, New York, NY, USA, 2019. ACM.
Kelly Widdicks (2019): Understanding and Mitigating the Impact of Internet Demand in Everyday Life. PhD Dissertation, Lancaster University.
Intro text is spoken by Christian Sollberger, https://www.speech-academy.com/
Intro music created by sscheidl from Pixabay
Outro music: Nature Documentary - GEMAfreie Musik von https://audiohub.de
Comment to this podcast:
E-Mail: greenalsion@alsion.dk
Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/greenalsion